Monday, April 25, 2016

The Intellectual Puddle

     I've never thought of myself as "old" or even considered that my youth was as long ago as it now seems. I always laughed at the old timers when they said "Back in my day..." But increasingly I am seeing what they meant. I speak now of society's inability to rationally, logically, coherently think.

     Case in point, politics. The front runners of each of the two major parties are inexcusably unfit to Commander In Chief.

     On the one hand we have Donald Trump. A man so prone to lie and exaggerate it's a wonder he can string a single sentence together. His ever shifting positions reflect his inability to do anything outside the popular feeling of the day. Yet he has a groundswell of followers who take every word he says as gospel truth, and if you disagree, you are attacked, shunned and threatened until you stop speaking or climb on board the crazy train.

     On the other hand, we have Hillary Clinton. A sociopath if ever there was one. A woman so devoid of foundations she was willing to threaten and silence rape victims to ensure her husband's political future. Which we now see was simply her stepping stone to her ultimate grab for power. Utterly devoid of empathy, she sacrificed four men in Benghazi and then, on national TV, under oath, in front of all of America, had the gall to shout "what difference does it make?"

     We see the droves of the willingly uninformed, the almost zombie like following and shallowness of thought, that has led society to this point. I've often said, the bulk of people these days are three miles wide but only a half inch deep in their thinking.

     Emotionalism has replaced rational thought. Where ad hominems, appeals to emotion, or authority are the rule rather than the exception. I remember growing up being challenged regularly on my assertions, yet now when I challenge others to prove their assertions, I'm simply labeled, and ignored. Our society has become too afraid of deep thinking, too afraid that by looking closely, they may be proven wrong, or worse, proven to longer be the center of the universe. The greatest generation of the 30's and 40's has given way to the "me me me" generation of this new millennium.

     How much deep thought does it take to realize that condoning and celebrating with things as transgenderism, a known mental disorder, is not the best thing? Instead we are called "transphobic" because we care enough about this incredibly tiny minority of people to recognize they need help, and to want to help them. Instead we create new "genders" ignoring what science knows and explains. That we are a sexually dimorphic species. There is no third or fourth or fifth options.

     I'm afraid we're witnessing the end of society as we know it. We've become intellectually afraid to speak the truth, and it won't be long before those who make us that way silence any dissenting opinion, permanently. I pray God brings a sweeping change, because without His divine intervention, there is no hope.

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