Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Is This The Best We Can Do?

     I originally started this blog as an addition to my ministry on G+ and YouTube, but occasionally one comes across something so insane, so ridiculous, that they must discuss it. Today I found such a situation.
     Earlier today, a brother in Christ posted a link to an article claiming that “climate change” was causing the earth to tip. ( ) Ludicrous as that sounds, it’s only the beginning.
     Then later the same day, I find out there’s going to be a debate on “climate change” involving everyone’s favorite (psuedo)science guy, Bill Nye. Now after the Creation/Evolution debate he had with Ken Hamm, surely they found a true intellectual heavyweight to tackle this subject right? Someone with a background in climate science? Perhaps a degree in one scientific field or another? A weather man at the very least? No such luck. No instead, handling the opposing side, the one denying the pseudo-science that is anthropogenic global warming, is none other than failed Vice Presidential candidate and Donald Trump schill, Sarah Palin. Perhaps she’ll bring up how it’s still so cold in her home state of Alaska? One could only hope that she will come prepared with at least the latest satellite data showing that the earth hasn’t been warning for around 19 years now. ( ) However, her current political ravings and choice of Presidential candidate, don’t give me much confidence in her discernment or her depth of thought.
     And the final straw on the insanity of the day was this piece I stumbled across, wherein there are calls for those who do not agree with global warming, should be charged as criminals. Because the Gestapo style cultism of AGW cannot abide dissent! ( ) These “scientists “ go so far as to demand that President Obama use the RICO statutes, the ones meant to go after organized crime, to silence dissenters as “dangerous”, and have them jailed! As if denying a scientific hypothesis(one not overly well documented to be even remotely a result of human activity, let alone a crisis) was on par with being a drug king pin or mobster! We're talking about a hypothesis based solely on the idea that the temperature of the earth right now is optimal for the planet, yet the largest numbers of the most diverse populations of species on record, existed back when the earth was a tropical oven! This is what happens when a worldview or ideological stance is challenged, and it can’t stand up to scrutiny. It’s most devout followers try to silence the opposing view with laws, jail time, and intimidation, yet they wish to use the laws meant for mobsters on those who disagree, whilst perpetuating the stereotypical mobster role. “Those are awfully nice rights you’ve got there. It’d be a shame if something were to happen to them….”

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