Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Depravity of Man Exemplified

     No one ever said apologetics was an easy road. Those of differing faiths, or none at all, attacking and tossing questions from all sides and in all directions. There is always one hope that we have when practicing said apologetics, and that is that there would be some level of decorum. However, that has been irrevocably damaged.
     For those who are unaware, Matt Slick, Christian apologist and founder of, routinely guests on The Bible Thumping Wingnut Sunday night hangouts. There he engages people (typically atheists) on all manner of topics. Most commonly those issues relate to ethics and morality, or logic. Like him or hate him, he is zealous for the Lord. Sometimes it does appear his zealousness gets the better of him, and he can come across a little rude. That however, does not excuse what happened on Sunday March 20th.
     During the hangout, an atheists going by the pseudonym “Justin B” ( though it is now known his name online is Justin Potts) engaged Matt Slick in a discussion. As it wound down, “Justin B” porn-bombed the hangout. (Porn-bombing is the act of live sharing graphic pornographic images or video in an effort to shock it’s members, and to get the hangout shut down and removed from YouTube.) This wasn’t bad enough, but the video in question that was used, was of Matt's eldest daughter who is by his own admission, apostate. Matt, being understandably distraught, immediately left the hangout, and Andrew Rapport removed the original video, edited out the graphic material, and re-uploaded it.
     It has now come to light that “Justin B”, who is actually Justin Potts of PalTalk, had planned this several days in advance. Video has surfaced of him during another hangout, mentioning his apparent plan. One other person on the hangout (I will leave their name absent as I have not yet contacted them) told Justin he should not do it, even argued with him that it was wrong to do. Unfortunately this fell upon deaf ears.
     This has had a ripple effect among the G+ and YouTube communities. Many Christians, and even a number of atheists have spoken out, calling this a disgusting act, and calling out Potts for his unacceptable behavior. Unfortunately, Potts has received some support for his actions as well. The final effects of this act are yet unknown, though it’s reasonable to assume that they will be lasting. Those whom hangout hosts do not know will be barred from conversation because of the risk of more attacks like this. It will create a deep strain on an already tenuous peace among theists and atheists during discussions, with the constant thought of what may happen lurking in the backs of people’s minds.
     In the end, things will eventually go back to normal, though how that will take is anyone’s guess. Some have already blocked Potts from interactions but in a day where a new profile can be created nearly as fast as it can be blocked, that’s no sure end. Some have asked if there really will be any repercussions for Potts, and to that, I have no answer but that of the Scriptures. Romans 12:17-19 “Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord.”
     Remember to keep on the full armor of God my brothers and sisters, and know that if He is for us, who can stand against us! God bless!

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